
Nottinghamshire County Council has secured funding to provide extra support to residents and community groups in West Bridgford during Summer 2024.

Many people changed their travel behaviour due to the impact of Covid-19, but switching to more sustainable ways of travelling, can have a massive positive impact.

Changing your travel behaviour, by reducing the number of single occupancy car journeys you make:

  • could help save money
  • reduces congestion
  • is kinder for the environment

Shorter journeys can often be made on foot or by bicycle.

There’s lots of FREE information, advice, and services to help you:

Additional Support for West Bridgford:

Our travel advisors will be visiting up to 4,000 households in West Bridgford in summer 2024.

Adult cycle training and Dr Bike cycle maintenance sessions are available by visiting the Ridewise website.

Resources available for residents in Nottinghamshire:

Alternatives to single occupancy car journeys:

What’s in it for me?

Personal travel planning could help you:

  • save money on fuel, parking, or taxi fares,
  • lose weight and get in shape by cycling or walking more (and cut down on time and money you spend at the gym),
  • do your bit for the environment by reducing your carbon footprint,
  • overcome travel barriers that prevent you from getting to where you need to go, whether that’s work, education, for leisure, or visiting family and friends.

What's next?

If you live outside of the project area, why not take a look at our free digital travel information packs: