Finding better ways of travelling to work, or working from home
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

If you’re an employer or employee based in Ashfield or Bassetlaw, did you know there is FREE travel planning support available to you via the Travel Choice project? Why not get in touch with us to see how we may be able to support you: contact us
- FREE Ashfield workplace digital travel pack is available here
- FREE Bassetlaw workplace digital travel pack is available here
- FREE Ashfield jobseekers digital travel pack is available here
- FREE Nottinghamshire digital travel pack is available here
It’s certainly been quite a year. Many of us have made major changes to our lives by necessity. Some of us are working from home, and continually adjusting to the impact of the coronavirus. Others still need to travel for work, whether that’s every day, or just occasionally.
Whether you’re commuting, or working from home, there are real benefits to doing things differently.
Working from home
- Have a designated workspace, somewhere you can focus without being distracted, with everything you need nearby.
- Make sure your workspace is comfortable. You may have been doing this for a while. Is your posture good? Is your monitor at eye level? Is your chair suitable?
- You obviously need a reliable internet connection and all the necessary tech. Make sure you have something written down or saved with how to get IT support, or how to contact your employer, in case things go wrong.
- Changing into work clothes, or at least different clothes, will help you mentally switch into ‘work mode’, and establish boundaries.
- Have a daily to-do list, with a set of realistic, achievable tasks
- Know when to step away from your desk. Take breaks, and know when you day begins and ends, to avoid burnout.
- Keep in touch with your colleagues and ask for support when you need it.
- Put on music, or whatever helps you work.
If you’re not working from home, but there’s no reason why you couldn’t, why not talk to your employer about it?
Make working from home work for you, and your employer. Is it possible to adjust your working hours to fit around your other commitments, like childcare?
Many meetings don’t have to held in person, and some have found that they prefer virtual meetings, as they cut out time wasted on travel altogether.
Commuting to work
If you’re commuting to and from work, consider other ways of getting around rather than always driving in a car by yourself. Single occupancy car journeys:
- Generate more air pollution
- Create congestion
- Slow down journey times
- Can have an impact on your health, if you’re not getting much exercise in other ways
- Can be stressful and can affect your mental health
If you need to travel by car, try to drive outside peak times if possible. Consider cycling or walking instead, especially for shorter distances.
Using public transport can still work for you, even with the impact of COVID-19, provided you follow the Department for Transport’s safer travel guidance. The same applies if you are driving outside work, to go to the shops, for leisure, or other purposes.
Walking and cycling are:
- Better for your mental and physical health
- better for the environment
- cut down congestion
- could save you money
For more info and advice please view our travel information pack