Travel Choice helps over 100 businesses!
Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Over the past four years, Travel Choice has been working across Nottinghamshire to reach out to over 100 businesses to encourage their employees to walk, cycle take public transport to work.
With offers available like grant funding up to £5,000, Dr Bike servicing sessions and practical skill workshops, travel clinics and freebies, more than 1,000 employees have benefited and are now travelling sustainably.
This year, despite the aftereffects of covid still being keenly felt in the way businesses are operating, the Travel Choice team has given away puncture repair kits, water bottles, bike lights, tyre pumps and bells at seven different Dr Bike sessions and Travel Clinics, which has been wonderfully received.
An employee from the Coal Authority, said: “[The Dr bike maintenance workshop] has encouraged me to get out and exercise more and I’m sure it has helped me to do this a lot more safely.”
In 2022 so far, the Travel Choice team has worked with 15 businesses to promote cycling, advice on public transport, car sharing and e-vehicles through a variety of exclusive offers.
Offers include access to NottinghamShare, the county’s largest journey sharing database, help in applying for electric vehicle charging point grants, and personalised information on the best public transport options and cycling routes in the region. After all, reading a book on the bus or online shopping on the train has far greater mental health benefits than focussing on a traffic jam!