Travel Choice offers FREE transport and travel support to Ashfield and Bassetlaw
Thursday, July 9, 2020

After a successful two-year run in Mansfield and Newark, during 20/21 we will be offering FREE transport and travel support to businesses in Ashfield and Bassetlaw to plan for safe and sustainable travel to work as the COVID-19 pandemic lock-down is eased.
Is your businesses ready to welcome back your workforce? Do you have enough cycle parking for new cyclists? Can you accommodate extra cars? How will your staff travel if they can’t take the bus or train?
We’re helping businesses to:
- plan for changes in staff travel and the return to the workplace
- recruit by showing prospective employees how they can travel to work
- manage demand for parking
- encourage healthy and sustainable travel
- protect their staff by only recommending transport with a lower risk of COVID-19 transmission (per government advice)
- start the process whilst working from home
and much more.
We’re helping to prepare businesses for safe travel to work whilst also helping to reduce congestion, improve local air quality and make local people healthier and fitter whilst showing them how spending less on fuel means more money to spend on the nicer things in life.
We are offering FREE travel and transport advice, information and incentives to businesses based in in Ashfield and Bassetlaw until March 2021.
To get started and receive a bespoke package of support suited to your business travel requirements, key issues, priorities, and motivations please contact our dedicated workplace Travel Choice advisor, Georgia Taylor (ITP); 0115 824 8250 or