Travel Choice team engages with local schools
Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Nottinghamshire County Council has been working with schools via the Travel Choice programme to promote more walking and cycling / scooting to school.
Since September, we have provided:
- Advice in assemblies to 750+ pupils, to help them make decisions on transport, whilst encouraging active and sustainable travel.
- Provided lessons to 150+ younger pupils in nursery, foundation classes and reception. These were simple messages on walking and scooting to school, backed up by roleplay.
- Provided bicycle maintenance lessons to around 60 pupils to help them understand the basics bicycle safety check and teach them how to repair a puncture.
Feedback includes
“I just wanted to say thank you to yourself and your colleague for coming to our school on Friday the children really enjoyed it! Maybe later in the year we could arrange for you to come back for a long session.”
"Thanks again for last Wednesday; the children and the staff thoroughly enjoyed it!”
Nottinghamshire now has a school travel toolkit available on its website to help schools, parents / carers promote active travel. This is available at:
In addition, road safety education (including Bikeability) is provided to schools in Nottinghamshire by VIA East Midlands:
If you would like to know more, please contact: